Kamis, 13 Juni 2013


TOEFL EXERCISE (Skill 1-3): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words tha is not correct.

1.      Nobody know when the process of glass making was invented. 
                      A                         B                              C        D
Answer: C (was)

2.      The languages of the world presents a vast array of structural and
                                                   A                    B
 similarities differences.
        C                D
Answer: B (array)

3.      The rise of multinationals have resulted in a great deal of legal
                                              A         B
ambiguity because multinationals can operate in so many juridictions.
                                                  C         D
Answer: A (have)

4.      All of the east-west interstate highways in United States has even
numbers, while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered.
       B                                                              C              D
Answer: A (has)

5.      When a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud exploded in 1987, a
    A                                                                                 B               
wave of neutrinos were detected on Earth.
                                 C          D
Answer: C (were)

6.      Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few
                                            A                          B
bushes are occupied by the white-crowned sparrow.
              C         D
Answer: C (are)

7.      Krakatoa is remembered as the volcano tha put so much ash into the
                          A                                             B
air that sunsets around the world was affected for two years afterward.
                                                           C                                     D
Answer: A (is remembered)

8.      The term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from New
England, but now anyone from United States are referred to as
                                                                    B         C          D
Answer: B (are)

9.      A network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched between the skin and
the underlying muscles, supply blood to the face and scalp.
          B                            C         D
Answer: C (supply)

10.  Mesquite is a small tree in the southwest who can withstand the severest drought.
                     A       B                                      C                D
Answer: C (who)

inspiring quote from Umar bin Khattab part 5

    The most beloved of people to me is he that points out my flaws to me.
    Learn knowledge and teach it to the people. Learn how to have yourselves an aura of dignity and peace. Be humble to those that have taught you knowledge, and be humble to those that you have taught knowledge. And do not be haughty scholars; otherwise, your knowledge will not rise due to your ignorance.
    O Allah, if You have written me down as being someone who is miserable, then erase that for me; and instead write me down as being happy. For indeed, You erase whatever You wish, and You write down and uphold .
    The Islam of Sayyiduna Umar was a victory , his migration [to Madinah] was a triumph, and his caliphate was a mercy . I remember the time when we were not able to pray or perform tawaf around the Ka’bah. That was before Sayyiduna Umar embraced Islam. After he embraced Islam, we fought against them until they left us alone; and thus we began to be able to pray .
    Know that every habit comes by getting used to it. Get used to being patient and doing good. Be patient against whatever befalls you. It will make you fear Allah.
    Never think ill of the word that comes out of your believing brother’s mouth, as long as you can find a good excuse for it.
    Dedicate yourself to remembering Allah, for remembering Allah is a cure. And beware of remembering people, for the act of remembering people is a disease.
    By Allah! If I had gold equal to the earth, I would have ransomed myself with it from the punishment of Allah.
    Each day is proclaimed, ‘So and so has died!’ And with no doubt it will be said one day, ‘Umar died.’
    The one who laughs too much loses dignity; one who jokes too much loses respect; whoever does something a great deal, becomes known for it; one who speaks a great deal makes mistakes; one who makes many mistakes loses his sense of dignity. Whoever loses his sense of dignity loses his God-fearing and whoever loses his God-fearing is spiritually dead.
    Beware of filling your stomachs with food and drink, for it is harmful to the body and causes sickness and laziness in performing prayers. Be moderate in both food and drink, for that is healthier for your bodies and furthest removed from extravagance. Allah will hate the fat man (one who revels in a life of luxury), and a man will not be condemned until he favours his desires over his religion.
    During the year of the Ashes (drought and famine), Sayyiduna Umar ibn Al-Khattab’s stomach would make rumbling sound. He forbade himself from eating Ghee, and so he would eat olive oil. And he would poke his stomach with his fingers and say, ‘Rumble as much as you want, for indeed, I will feed you nothing other than this until the situation of the people improves.
    Strive to listen to what comes out of the mouth of people who are obedient to Allah. Listen to what they have to say, for indeed, truth things are made manifest to them.
    On one particular Friday, Sayyiduna Umar did not come out to Friday prayer on time; and since he was to deliver the Friday sermon the people had to wait until he came out to them. When Sayyiduna Umar finally did come out to them, he came out to them, he apologized, explaining that, ‘I was prevented from coming out because this garment I am wearing was being washed; and I own no other outfit.’
    After Sayyiduna Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu became Khalifah of the Muslim Nation, he was once seen delivering a sermon while wearing a lower garden that was patched in 12 different places.
    Help me against myself by enjoining good, forbidding evil, and sincerely advising me.
    O Allah, I am indeed harsh, so make me gentle; I am weak, so make me strong; and I am miserly, so make me generous.

inspiring quote from Umar bin Khattab part 4

    The dearest of you as long as you have not met us are the best in names. But after we had seen you, the best of you to us are the best of you in character. When we scrutinize you, the dearest of you to us are the most truthful of you in speech.
    People were (sometimes) judged by the revealing of a Divine Inspiration during the lifetime of Allah’s Apostle (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) but now there are no longer any new revelations. Now we judge you by the deeds you practice publicly, so we will trust and favor the one who does good deeds in front of us, and we will not call him to account about what he is really doing in secret, for Allah will judge him for that; but we will not trust or believe the one who presents to us with an evil deed even if he claims that his intentions were good.
    The best days we ever lived were by virtue of patience, and if patience were to take the shape of a man, he would be a noble and generous man.
    Take yourself to account before you are taken to account, weigh your actions before they are weighed, and beautify yourself for the ultimate presentation. On that day not the slightest secret will be hidden.
    It was Sayyiduna Umar’s daily routine to visit the homes of soldiers who were on the battlefield and ask their womenfolk if they had to make any purchases from the market, and he would do it for them. They would send their maids and Sayyiduna Umar would make the purchases and hand over to them. When a messenger came from the battlefield, bringing letters from soldiers, the Caliph would himself deliver them at their homes and tell them the messenger would return on such and such date, and they should keep their letters ready by that time, He would himself supply paper, pen, and ink, and when there was no literate person in a family, he would himself sit outside the door and write to their dictation.
    There is no goodness in you if you do not say ‘Fear Allah’ and there is no goodness in us if we do not listen.
    When Sayyiduna Umar appointed anyone as a governor, he wrote down for him a covenant to which a group of muhajirs (up to ten in number) bore witness. The conditions and terms were: He would not ride a workhorse, not eat luxurious food, not wear fine garment and not shut his door to the needy. If he did any of these things then he was liable to punishment.
    Lower your gaze from the world and turn your heart away from it.
    I will inform you about what is lawful for me from the wealth of Allah: An outfit for the winter, an outfit for the summer, mount that I can ride upon for Hajj and Umrah, and food for my family, such as given to a man from the Quraish who is neither the richest nor the poorest among them. I am simply a man among the Muslim; I go through what they go through.
    Allah never obliterates evil with evil, but He erases evil with goodness.
    O Allah, you indeed know that I eat only my food, that I wear only my own clothing, and that I take only what is rightfully mine.
    The death of a thousand worshipers is easier to bear than the death of a scholar who has knowledge of what Allah has permitted and forbidden.
    Lo! By Allah, if I remain alive to help the widows from the people of Iraq, I will leave so much for them that they will never need to ask for help from any ruler who comes after me.
    Beware of bribery, and of ruling based on your desires.
    Do not be fooled by one who recites the Qur’an. His recitation is but speech, but look to those who act according to it.
    Once Sayyiduna Umar was in his garden, when coming back, he found that the people had performed the Asr Prayer. Thereby, he said, ‘We will surely return to Allah! I missed the Asr Prayer in congregation. May you witness that I gave my garden in charity to the needy so as to expiate what Umar had done.

inspiring quote from Umar bin Khattab part 3

Desire is never achieved without fear, nor manners and etiquette without formality, or happiness without peace or wealth without gifts or poverty without contentment, or dignity without politeness or Jihad (holy war) without diving guidance and assistance.
    Respite before preoccupation and old age before death is a blessing of life.
    Honour and dignity in this World is measured by wealth while honour and dignity in the Hereafter is measured by good deeds.
    Save yourself from the Fires of Hell even if it means by doing a favour with half a date (fruit). If this too is not possible then with sweet words.
    After Iman (Faith), there is no greater gift than a pious wife.
    Not to postpone is strength in action.
    Whosoever shows you your faults, he is your friend. Those that pay you lip service in praise are your executioners.
    One who guards his secrets is surely safe.
    The person who constantly discloses my faults to me is dearest to me.
    Fear that person who you dislike.
    When Sayyiduna 'Umar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho camped on the outskirts of Jerusalem to conquer Bait al-Maqdas, the Christian Crusaders were terrified of his presence and requested a meeting with him before handing over the keys of the city. The Crusaders met him whilst he wore a patched garb. They asked him the reason as to why his name generated such immense awe and fear that captured the hearts of his enemies. He replied; “Your kings taught you to love the World (Duniyah) and its wealth and our Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam taught us to fear ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and love death.
    He is an intelligent person who can translate his actions into good.
    Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.
    There is never a chance of pain in the neck if one does not raise his head too high in the air.
    Do not forget about yourself whilst being concerned for others.
    To stop sinning is easier than to bear the burden of seeking repentance.
    Remove your gaze from the splendor of the World. Do not let the love of this World enter your heart. Beware! The love of this World does not perhaps destroy you, just as it had destroyed previous nations.
    Victory is gained through strategy and trust in ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, not by wishful thinking.
    The most intelligent amongst you is he who fears ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala the most.
    Be sympathetic towards the poor so that they may be able to speak and build courage.
    Extend a hand of friendship to a foreigner because if his stay is extended then he would leave his valuable possessions to return to his own country and leave that person responsible for his valuables who had been most worthy of his attention
    Do not taunt and curse anyone for this gives rise to collective evils in a person.
    One should not judge a person by the number of Salaat (prayer) or Roza (fasting) but by his wisdom and honesty.
    To die for the right is better than to live for falsehood. Courage is recommend, cowardice is detestable, and falsehood is vulnerable to vanish!
    Prayer is connected to the heart not by mere apparent actions.
    To educate a seeker of materialism is to place a sword in the hands of a highway robber.
    Do not trust the character of one who cannot control his temper.
    To laugh excessively is a sign of no remorse for death.
    To side with the oppressor is oppression on the oppressed.
    Death is the best teacher.

inspiring quote from Umar bin Khattab part 2

There are four types of Regrets:

        Regret that spans over a day e.g. When a person leaves his home without eating.
        Regret that spans over a year, just like the negligence shown when cultivating.
        Regret that spans over a lifetime, when a man and his wife are unsuited to each other.
        Regret that is eternal, which is when your Creator is unhappy with you.

    There are three types of people:

        Successful: he who listens to the advice of people and ponders over it.
        Lazy or Lethargic: he who does what he wants without consultation or advice of people.
        Corpse: who neither gives nor listens to advice and consolation.

    Sayyiduna 'Umar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho on many an occasion asked this du'a (supplication) to ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala so that certain situations should always remain with him and some things should be removed, the Du'a is: “O ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala! Make me such that I may speak with intellect or reap tolerance with silent. O! ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala do not bestow upon me too many favours, so that I may not be confused by it, not too little that I may forget You. Hence, little yet sufficient in comparison to having plenty thereby becoming indulgent and committing sin.”
    If ever you see a learned person ('Aalim) leaning towards this World, then know this he is blameworthy for his Religion, because the universal harm is that if a person desires something then he is constantly engrossed in its quest.
    Faith (Iman) is to regard the Oneness of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala in ones heart proclaim it with your tongue and to obey the fundamental Islamic Instructions.
    The relationship of true humility and genuine fear of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is with the heart and not by a show of outward actions.
    Why have you made slaves of those whose mothers had given birth to them free?
    Judgments or Settlements in any cases should be done quickly, so that the accused, due to a prolonged period of time are not compelled to withdraw their accusation.
    It is absolutely necessary not to associate with a beast for though he wishes or means well, yet he would still be accused of committing a crime.
    ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, shower your Blessings of Mercy on that person who informs me of my faults.
    When a learned man takes a false step then he ensnares himself in a World of wrongdoings.
    One day a man was praising Hadrat 'Umar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, he replied by saying why are you destroying me even more with my desires (Nafs).
    I am not a fool, but I pretend to be a fool, in order to fool the fool. And just when the fool thinks I am a fool, I will expose the fool and show to him that he is the fool.

inspiring quote from Umar bin Khattab part 1

To eat less is healthy, to speak less is wisdom, and to sleep less is worship.
To speak less is wisdom, to eat less is healthy and to mingle less with the people is safe and serene.
The one who steps back will not progress.
Nothing is worst than avarice that destroys the mind, not even Alcohol.
It is unbecoming of that person who sits with his hands folded and prays to ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala 
for sustenance. ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala does not rain down gold and silver from the heavens.
To earn a suspicious living is worse than begging.
The biggest gift after Iman (Faith) is your wives.
Attain knowledge before old age settles in.
 Extravagance is also when a person eats whatever he wishes.
 Whosoever hides his secret keeps his safety, safeguarded with himself.
 The person who calls himself learned, indeed he is ignorant, and the one who calls himself from the dwellers of Paradise surely he is from the dwellers of Hell.
    Tawbatun-NasooHa (Accepted forgiveness) is the name of that forgiveness that is asked for a bad deed committed, in such a manner that he never returns to or commits that bad deed again.
    The Strength in action is, never to put of what you can do today for tomorrow.
    It is not becoming of a Muslim to sit down and start praying for sustenance without attempting to earn it, he is well aware that gold and silver does not rain from the skies.
If it wasn’t for the claim of knowledge of the unknown then I would say five people are from the dwellers of Paradise:
        That family man who is poverty stricken but is patient
        That women with whom her husband is happy and accepting.
        That woman who forgives he husband’s duty of Mehr (Dowry approved by Muslim law)
        That person with whom his parents are Happy
        And that person who honestly repents from his sins

    Once a sheep was slaughtered and Syeduna 'Umar al-Farooq Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho persistently asked his servant if he had first sent meat to his neighbor who was a Jew. The slave asked why you are asking the same question persistently. He answered that ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and his Rasul Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam had constantly stressed the importance of neighbors therefore I too am persistent in stressing the same.
    Three things build love:
        To make Salam (greeting)
        To make space for a person in a gathering
        To address a person in a respectable and good manner

funny and inspiring quote from Spongebob Squarepants part 4

Patrick: I'm mad.
Spongebob: What's the matter Patrick?
Patrick: I can't see my forehead.

Patrick: Are you Squidward?
Fire Hydrant: .....
Patrick: That's okay take your time.

Spongebob: Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.

Spongebob: Squidward, this is great! Just you, me, and this brick wall you built between us.

Squidward: This city needs to be destroyed! Or at least painted another color...

Mr. Krabs: That's no reason to be ripping people's heads off boy!

Mr. Krabs: The boy cries you a sweater of tears...and you kill him.

Patrick: I wumbo, you wumbo, he she we wumbo. Wumboing, wumbology, the study of wumbo! IT'S FIRST GRADE SPONGEBOB!

Plankton: That's it mister! YOU JUST LOST YOUR BRAIN PRIVILEGES!

Plankton: Holographic Meatloaf? MY FAVORITE!

Sandy: You're nothing but pure evil! Just like the newspaper comics!

Squidward: *playing clarinet really loud and obnoxious-like*
*Knock on door*
Doctor: I'm with the animal hospital down the street, and we have reason to believe you have a dying animal on the premises...
Squidward: *slams door*

Spongebob: Excuse me sir? You're sitting on my face.... which is also my body.

Spongebob: Hey Patrick.. I know something funnier than 24!
Patrick: Yeah???
Spongebob: ....25!

Mermaid Man: We don't really have these powers! The powers are in the costumes. Why else would we wear underwear over our pants?


*Squidward runs past*
Spongebob: Hey! That looked like Squidward!
*Angry mob of squids run past*
Spongebob: That looked like Squidward also! In angry mob form!

Squidward: Spongebob, I really DO like you!
Spongebob: Squidward, I used your clarinet to clean my toilet.

Patrick: I'll tell you the story of the Ugly Barnacle. There once was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly, everybody died. The End.

Squidward: *Does freakish dance*
Some fish with funny hair: WHAT THE?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

funny and inspiring quote from Spongebob Squarepants part 3

Yea, at least you not bald and have a big nose

Patrick: Spongebob, I need you to chop off my hands
Spongebob: I can't patrick
Patrick: Why not?
Spongbob: Because I already chopped of MINE!

Krusty krab costomer: hey! what's that?
spongebob:that my dear friend is a whole you see...
coustomer:not that. that (pointing to a sandwich)?
spongebob:oh thats a krabby patty with jellyfish jelly.why i call it a krabby patty with jellyfish jelly!


Hi, Squidward! I've been practicing how to flop on my back.

Spongebob: what do you usually do when i'm gone?
patrick: waiting for you to come back.

Spongebob to sandy(while stuck in patrick's 'gummy'): o hey sandy! looks like i got myself in a sticky situation.

Hahahaha. patrick's a loser!

Welcome to our club! Welcome to our club! Welcome Squidqard, welcome Squidward!

You cant rush perfectionn!!

Don't genius live in lamps?- Patrick

Love is handing someone a gun and letting it point to your head, believing that he won't pull the trigger.

Peanut butter and jelly time! peanut butter and jelly time!

Patrick: I'm gonna need a garden hose and a flat bed truck. Oh, and I'm gonna need you to remove your trousers.

Spongebob:Hey Patrick are you mad too?
Spongbob:Why are you mad?
Patrick:I can't see my forehead

Squidward: Patrick, why is your suitcase full of rocks??!
Patrick: Hey, I don't tell you how to live your life!

funny and inspiring quote from Spongebob Squarepants part 2

If you want to fly, all you need is friendship

More soup for your arm pit?

Spongbob is alot like josh ... ita a fish eat fish world, you either get or you get taken... patrick says i dont get it


The maniacs in the MAILBOX!

Squidward? Squidward! The sky had a baby from my cereal box!

Mr. Krabs: And maybe scallops'll fly outta me pants!

Im ready depression

Spongebob: Remember Patrick, flatter the customer, make him feel good.
Patrick: I love you.
-Spongebob & Patrick

Plankton: You know what i REALLY want for my birthday?
Spongebob: A booster seat?
Plankton: A booster seat, HOT DOG! I mean, no.

You dont need a license to drive a samwidch

Spongebob:Patrick...do you know what this is???

This city needs to be destroyed! Or at least painted another color.


PATRICK: are they laughing at us?
SPONGEBOB: no, patrick. theyre laughing next to us.

Squidward: Would you not stand so close. I'm getting claustrophobic.
Patrick: What does claustrophobic mean?
Spongebob: It means he's afraid of Santa Claus!
Squidward: No it doesnt!
Patrick: HO HO HO!
Spongebob: Stop it Patrick youre scaring him!
Patrick: HO HO HO!

I am the master at Kara-ta.

Spongebob:when you use your IMAGINATION you can do anything!

Remember...licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets!

Spongebob: I'm afraid our friend Squidward...he's...HS PUSHING DAISIES! *cries*
Patrick: Oh, I thought he was dead.

funny and inspiring quote from Spongebob Squarepants Part 1

Secretly... I'm a little naive.

I'm ready!!!

You know, if I were to die right now, in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend...well, that would just be ok.

Squidward? if i were to die right now, in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend, well, that would just be ok.


Whew! It's a good thing that was only a sea bear, this dirt circle would never protect us against a sea rhinoserous. It's a good thing I'm wearing my anti-sea rhinoserous undergarments

Bring it around town

I'm Ready..I'm Ready

Wow!!! Its a giant person hand

Good morning krusty crew

Patrick: You mean what we thought they thought, we think and thought they thought. We think?

That looked like squidward!
That looked lile squidward also, in angry mob form!

Another day, another dollar!

Gary, you better call an astronomer, because this clotted cream is OUT OF THIS WORLD!

This is gonna be the coolest party eva!

F is for friends that do stuff together U is for you and me N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!!


Squidward: 'Spongebob, I actually DO like you!'
Spongebob: 'Squidward, I used your clarinet to unclog my toilet!'


You know what's funnier than 24?...25!

Psst, squidward, i'm working in the kitchen... at night! hey squidward, guess what? i'[m chopping lettuce... at night. OW!!! i burned my hand... at night!

Inspiring quote from Naruto part 4

Sasuke, I always knew you were alone. In the beginning I was glad because I thought you were like me - I wanted to talk to you! But you... didn't speak. You always had everyone watching you. You could do everything and we were too different. So I decided that you would become my rival. I didn't want to lose because I was called a loser all the time. Even when we became Team 7, I still thought this way. I always tried to lie but... but the truth is... I always wanted to be like you. I aspired to be like you. Because of that... I was glad that you wanted to fight me.

The pain of being lonely... is out of this world, isn't it?

[To Sasuke at Final Valley] Sever it just like that, huh!. Then why do you even bother wear that headband anymore?

Sasuke! Sasuke! Sasuke! What does he have that I don't have?!

The only weird thing here is your haircut!!!

I will bring Sasuke back for sure. This is a promise of a lifetime.

Sasuke won't give into someone like that! He's strong enough as it is, I promise!

After all that talk about your destiny, you don't really believe in it, do you?

So shut up about "destiny" and... how people can't change! 'Cause... unlike me... you're not a "failure".

So don't come whining to me with this destiny stuff.. And stop trying to tell me you can't change what your are. You can do it too cause after all.. Unlike me, you're not a failure.

Lay a finger on my sensei, and you die!

[To Sasuke] Are you okay... scaredy-cat?

[To Sasuke in his second Curse stage] So you're special, huh?, you won't be so special when I'm through with you!

[To Sasuke] I won't let Orochimaru have you! I will stop you even if I have to break every bone in your body!

[To Kabuto before using the Rasengan] Until I reach my dream, I refuse to die.

Inspiring quote from Naruto part 3

Nothing wrong with crying when you're happy.

[To Neji] Because somebody told me I was a failure!

[To Neji] When I become Hokage, I'll change the Hyuga clan!

It's not the face that makes someone a monster. It's the choices they make with their life!

[While looking for fake-Naruto] Where you hiding, you big fake fraidy-cat?! Show that handsome face already!

I'm going to prove that in this world.. Heroes do exist!

Real strength is not what you have when fighting for only yourself. When you have something special that you want to protect, only then can you become truly strong!!

[After finding out Haku's a boy] HUH?! NO WAY!! HE'S PRETTIER THAN SAKURA-CHAN!!!!!

[Fighting with Idate] Yeah well the Hokage would do all that and more and he'd do it two times a day!

[Talking to Gai Sensei] Huh? Oh Bushier Brow, it's you!

[To Neji] Unlike me you're not a loser.

[To Sasuke, in Shippuuden] How can someone who can't even save his friends become Hokage...? Isn't it so, Sasuke?

[To Tsunade] Because unlike you, I want that title one day..to be Hokage..is my dream.

I'm going to make everyone recognize my existence.

[To Jekylnaruto]..If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it, instead have the courage to change it the way you want it to be...

Inspiring quote from Naruto part 2

A soul needs a purpose to live and so I concluded that my purpose was to kill everyone besides myself. I felt alive

Sorry I'm late I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life

I never give up... I never go back on my word... thats my way of the ninja!

My dream is to become the greatest Hokage, that way the whole village will stop disrespecting me and treating me like I'm somebody, somebody important.

Sakura-chan, you sure do love Sasuke, don't you?

I'm Naruto Uzumaki! What I like is ramen, especially the kind at the Ichiraku Ramen shop. What I dislike is the three minute wait after you pour in the boiling water. My hobbies are eating ramen. And my dream... is to be the next Hokage!

Dattebayo! (Note: this nonsensical phrase is attached to sentences for emphasis; it is a compilation of the verb endings "da" "-tte ba" and "yo", but there's no real translation of the word. The English dub replaces it with "Believe it!")

If you lay a finger on my sensei... I'll kill you!

Bring it on, you jerk! Anything you throw at me I'll give it back a thousand fold!

My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to defeat every one of you believe it!

When I'm with Iruka-sensei, I think if that's what having a father is like.... When I'm with you, I think if that's what having a brother is like.

Sakura-chan looks so sad lately.

Inspiring quote from Naruto part 1

Until I become Hokage, I will not die (Naruto)

Dont worry, I will never let you get hurt (Kakashi)

Because I am a genius, I cant lose. If not I will dissapoint those peoples who think highly of me (Neji)

Be simple & humble like a grass.When a wild strom attacks,all the big trees get uprooted.But simple grass survives.Simple yet Powerful.

A boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who won't stand up for anything.

It is our attitude and not aptitude that determines our altitude in life .So just think about it.

A great shinobi not measured by the numbers of jutsu he has, but by the guts he has.

The true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives, but how he dies

If you wanna be a true friend to anyone,be honest and unmerciful

as far as my sources could muster,this is all that I can give

even you cut off my limbs,i will never give up...i'll protect those bond with my life

those who abandon their mission are scum...but those who abandoned their friends are worst than scum

rejection made a man stronger

Killing him won't change anything it will just make you feel better

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Synopsis film yuvvraaj

Deven Yuvvraaj (Salman Khan) is a struggling singer who signs an agreement with his girlfriend Anushka’s (Katrina Kaif) father Dr. Banton (Boman Irani) to become a billionaire in 40 days. To acquire this wealth, he has to go through an emotional roller coaster journey of joy and pain with his two estranged brothers, Gyanesh Yuvvraaj (Anil Kapoor) and Danny Yuvvraaj (Zayed Khan), who he meets after 12 years. On meeting them, he is shocked to see that his father has left everything to his mentally ill brother Gyanesh. so both Danny and Deven making an agreement to scam their brother out of his money. Danny attempt to blackmail Gyanesh fail and suddenly assaults Gyanesh. Deven intervenes and plays the good guy and helps Gyanesh and then takes him to Austria in an attempt to win over Gyanesh. There Anushka and Gyanesh get on very well and she is amazed by his singing talent, so she lets him into her orchestra which is due to perform in front of thousands of people. Deven gets jealous by Anuksha and Gyanesh getting on so well but soon learns to love his brother. Danny now penniless and thrown out of all his luxurious clubs and loses his girlfriend all because he has no money. He meets up with Deven and Gyanesh and they all become loving brothers again and forget about the money however as he is about to perform on the big stage. His mothers' new husband and family decide to poison Gyanesh and so as to get his money. They show Gyanesh a recording of Devan and Danny plotting to scam Gyanesh out of his money and this breaks his heart. They then switch his inhaler with one containing poison and leave. Gyanesh shocked uses his inhalers and fights with his brothers who realize that he knows about their plot to get the money. Heartbroken Gyanesh performs on stage when Devan shows up and they due a duet with Devan singing about forgiveness. Onstage Gyanesh collapses and Devan takes him to hospital whilst Danny gets the police to arrest the family members who tries to poison Gyanesh. At the hospital Devan is informed that the only doctor is Dr Banton who refuses to help. Dr Banton accuses him of only wanting Gyanesh to survive for the money so he can marry his daughter but Devan breaks down and begs Dr Banton that if he saves Gyanesh he will not marry Anushka saying he just wants to keep his family together. Dr Banton gets shocked by Devan's acquired family responsibility and saves Gyanesh. He then allows Deven to marry Anushka now that he has become a changed man who cares about his family. The ending is a dance scene with all the actors and crew who made the film. participating