The most beloved of people to me is he that points out my flaws to me.
Learn knowledge and teach it to the people. Learn how to have yourselves an aura of dignity and peace. Be humble to those that have taught you knowledge, and be humble to those that you have taught knowledge. And do not be haughty scholars; otherwise, your knowledge will not rise due to your ignorance.
O Allah, if You have written me down as being someone who is miserable, then erase that for me; and instead write me down as being happy. For indeed, You erase whatever You wish, and You write down and uphold .
The Islam of Sayyiduna Umar was a victory , his migration [to Madinah] was a triumph, and his caliphate was a mercy . I remember the time when we were not able to pray or perform tawaf around the Ka’bah. That was before Sayyiduna Umar embraced Islam. After he embraced Islam, we fought against them until they left us alone; and thus we began to be able to pray .
Know that every habit comes by getting used to it. Get used to being patient and doing good. Be patient against whatever befalls you. It will make you fear Allah.
Never think ill of the word that comes out of your believing brother’s mouth, as long as you can find a good excuse for it.
Dedicate yourself to remembering Allah, for remembering Allah is a cure. And beware of remembering people, for the act of remembering people is a disease.
By Allah! If I had gold equal to the earth, I would have ransomed myself with it from the punishment of Allah.
Each day is proclaimed, ‘So and so has died!’ And with no doubt it will be said one day, ‘Umar died.’
The one who laughs too much loses dignity; one who jokes too much loses respect; whoever does something a great deal, becomes known for it; one who speaks a great deal makes mistakes; one who makes many mistakes loses his sense of dignity. Whoever loses his sense of dignity loses his God-fearing and whoever loses his God-fearing is spiritually dead.
Beware of filling your stomachs with food and drink, for it is harmful to the body and causes sickness and laziness in performing prayers. Be moderate in both food and drink, for that is healthier for your bodies and furthest removed from extravagance. Allah will hate the fat man (one who revels in a life of luxury), and a man will not be condemned until he favours his desires over his religion.
During the year of the Ashes (drought and famine), Sayyiduna Umar ibn Al-Khattab’s stomach would make rumbling sound. He forbade himself from eating Ghee, and so he would eat olive oil. And he would poke his stomach with his fingers and say, ‘Rumble as much as you want, for indeed, I will feed you nothing other than this until the situation of the people improves.
Strive to listen to what comes out of the mouth of people who are obedient to Allah. Listen to what they have to say, for indeed, truth things are made manifest to them.
On one particular Friday, Sayyiduna Umar did not come out to Friday prayer on time; and since he was to deliver the Friday sermon the people had to wait until he came out to them. When Sayyiduna Umar finally did come out to them, he came out to them, he apologized, explaining that, ‘I was prevented from coming out because this garment I am wearing was being washed; and I own no other outfit.’
After Sayyiduna Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu became Khalifah of the Muslim Nation, he was once seen delivering a sermon while wearing a lower garden that was patched in 12 different places.
Help me against myself by enjoining good, forbidding evil, and sincerely advising me.
O Allah, I am indeed harsh, so make me gentle; I am weak, so make me strong; and I am miserly, so make me generous.
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