Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

inspiring quote from Umar bin Khattab part 2

There are four types of Regrets:

        Regret that spans over a day e.g. When a person leaves his home without eating.
        Regret that spans over a year, just like the negligence shown when cultivating.
        Regret that spans over a lifetime, when a man and his wife are unsuited to each other.
        Regret that is eternal, which is when your Creator is unhappy with you.

    There are three types of people:

        Successful: he who listens to the advice of people and ponders over it.
        Lazy or Lethargic: he who does what he wants without consultation or advice of people.
        Corpse: who neither gives nor listens to advice and consolation.

    Sayyiduna 'Umar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho on many an occasion asked this du'a (supplication) to ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala so that certain situations should always remain with him and some things should be removed, the Du'a is: “O ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala! Make me such that I may speak with intellect or reap tolerance with silent. O! ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala do not bestow upon me too many favours, so that I may not be confused by it, not too little that I may forget You. Hence, little yet sufficient in comparison to having plenty thereby becoming indulgent and committing sin.”
    If ever you see a learned person ('Aalim) leaning towards this World, then know this he is blameworthy for his Religion, because the universal harm is that if a person desires something then he is constantly engrossed in its quest.
    Faith (Iman) is to regard the Oneness of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala in ones heart proclaim it with your tongue and to obey the fundamental Islamic Instructions.
    The relationship of true humility and genuine fear of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala is with the heart and not by a show of outward actions.
    Why have you made slaves of those whose mothers had given birth to them free?
    Judgments or Settlements in any cases should be done quickly, so that the accused, due to a prolonged period of time are not compelled to withdraw their accusation.
    It is absolutely necessary not to associate with a beast for though he wishes or means well, yet he would still be accused of committing a crime.
    ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, shower your Blessings of Mercy on that person who informs me of my faults.
    When a learned man takes a false step then he ensnares himself in a World of wrongdoings.
    One day a man was praising Hadrat 'Umar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, he replied by saying why are you destroying me even more with my desires (Nafs).
    I am not a fool, but I pretend to be a fool, in order to fool the fool. And just when the fool thinks I am a fool, I will expose the fool and show to him that he is the fool.

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